PREVIEW - This episode is not published on the All Things Breastfeeding feed yet, but you can listen to it here. Another parent interview episode! In honor of World Prematurity Day, Sarah shares her journey with son Ezra, born at 29 weeks, and daughter Noa, born at 35 weeks. We love supporting families of premature babies, whether at a prenatal consultation for a planned early birth, helping …
Mother's Breastfeeding Stories
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 86: Emily’s Returning to Work and Breastfeeding Story
In this parent interview episode, we focus on Emily's experience with returning to work and breastfeeding, specifically going back to work after maternity leave, pumping and continuing to breastfeed her baby. She worked as a hospital pharmacist in a fast-paced and high-pressure role, the type of job where taking a "break" to pump meant leaving extra work her team needed to cover. This is a …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 85: Alicia’s Returning to Work, Travel and Breastfeeding Story
We have another parent interview episode! We were thrilled when Alicia reached out to us from across the country to offer to share different parts of her feeding journey with baby Grant, especially factors related to returning to work and breastfeeding. We discussed Grant's week-long nursing strike soon after Alicia returned to work, the intense emotions involved, and what helped resolve that …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 79: Tara’s Story Pt 1
This one got really long, so we made it into two parts! That's what happens when Jessica's best friend is the guest. They just kept going! Tara's original vision was to exclusively breastfeed Evie for at least a year. But as she says, even though these were her "best laid plans," the reality ended up quite different. She struggled with low milk supply, and Evie struggled with feeding at the breast …
All Things Breastfeeding 70: Anna’s Breastfeeding Story- Breastfeeding Twins!
Breastfeeding twins? Yes! Sometimes you feel like breastfeeding one baby is almost impossible but then you have TWO babies! Anna shares her story about how she is successfully breastfeeding her twins. It was not easy but also achievable with the right help and support. When you have babies who are early, even a little bit, it can make the process harder. Although Anna's babies were born "term" …
Episode 66: Karen’s Breastfeeding Story
OMG. It has been too long! Karen and I recorded this back in June but due to Covid I haven't been able to get this to move to the top of my list to publish. Thank Jessica for pushing me (in the nicest way) to keep after this and get it done! We love breastfeeding stories. Karen's is very interesting because she is actually part of the health care system herself. She did great with breastfeeding …
All Things Breastfeeding 63: Melissa’s Breastfeeding Story
Another breastfeeding story! This one is particularly dear to Barbara's heart. Melissa came to see Barbara after the birth of her first baby and was struggling with her rate of breastmilk production. Although Melissa was able to increase her supply a bit, she still needed to supplement her baby. Second baby When Melissa was pregnant with her second baby she called Barbara to set up a prenatal …
All Things Breastfeeding 59: Lauren’s Breastfeeding Story
A new breastfeeding story! Lauren is a very experienced breastfeeding mother. She joins us today with baby Luke today to talk about her breastfeeding story. She has nursed four children! When you have more than one child it is important to remember that each breastfeeding experience will be different. Each breastfeeding journey is a unique journey. In her breastfeeding story you will hear how …
All Things Breastfeeding 58: Part 2 Jessica’s Story- Not latching baby!
Caleb not latching? Oh no! We continue Jessica's breastfeeding story. Please don't worry, it has a happy ending! We ended with Jessica in the pit of despair and Caleb not latching. Even with all the support and knowledge that Jessica has, she is ready for the final hoop to become an IBCLC, taking the exam, she really struggles with what her instincts tell her to do to help with a not latching …
All Things Breastfeeding 57: Part 1 Jessica’s 2nd Breastfeeding Story
Jessica's second breastfeeding story is a dozy! When we have our second baby we think, well this has to be easier than the first time. Right? In Jessica's case this was not true! Her breastfeeding story is powerful! Yes, those baby worries weren't there (you rarely worry that you might accidentally kill your second baby like you do your first), you know the signs of a well fed baby, and your …
All Things Breastfeeding 54: Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story
Jamie's Breastfeeding Story In this podcast episode Barbara and Jessica talk to Jamie about her breastfeeding journey with her little one Zelda. Each breastfeeding story is very different and Jamie's is no exception. She struggled with unexpected infertility which made her story very different than she planned before getting pregnant. Take a listen and enjoy! At The Breastfeeding Center of …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 39: Breastfeeding Story: Dawn
As promised, we are back in business and Dawn is going to be sharing her breastfeeding story. Dawn's work with babies has led her down paths she didn't expect. Isn't this often the case? Who knew my own struggles with breastfeeding would lead to a whole career I never imaged? We encourage you to check out some of Dawn's resources that are below. Dawn tells us about her two experiences. With …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 34: Michelle’s Breastfeeding Story
Michelle's Breastfeeding Story! We haven't had a podcast for a while! Michelle's breastfeeding story has many ups and downs! This week on the podcast, Michelle shares the story of breastfeeding her one year old daughter. She comes from a very supportive breastfeeding family who nurse for years, and knew she wanted to breastfeeding as long as baby wanted. There are some cultural differences and …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 31: Barbara’s Second Breastfeeding Story
You never know what is going to happen in your breastfeeding adventure! This week on All Things Breastfeeding, host Barbara Robertson who is the owner of the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, shares her second breastfeeding story. This story was delayed in being recorded due some unexpected changes in Barbara's family. She wanted to get the story just right! The great breastfeeding relationship …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 30: Finn’s Nursing Strike
There is nothing worse than a nursing strike! This week on the podcast, Intern Barb tells her experience with a recent nursing strike. Just when breastfeeding was so easy, a new challenge presented itself. It was an extremely emotional experience, and luckily Finn is back to nursing now! Shownotes: If you need more information on nursing …
All Things Breastfeeding: Melissa’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast, Melissa shares her breastfeeding story. Melissa talks about her first baby's slow weight gain and her low milk supply. Lot's of great tips for supply in this episode! Show notes: Domperidone study After our interview with Melissa, she had this to share about the second year of nursing her first son. "One thing that struck me after we recorded is I spent most …
All Things Breastfeeding: Megan’s Breastfeeding Story
This week Megan shares her breastfeeding story. After having a hard time with her first child, Megan shares what it is like to overcome difficulties and have a successful breastfeeding relationship with her second child. Thank you so much for listening! If you are enjoying the podcast, we would so appreciate you rating and leaving a review on iTunes If you are …
All Things Breastfeeding: Jessica’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast Jessica shares her story! She had a rocky start, but is doing quite well now! We also chat about Jessica's most recent development-preparing for returning to work! Have you heard of the breast crawl? Jessica explained that her baby latched for the first time after doing the breast crawl! How cool is that?! Check out the video …
All Things Breastfeeding: Laura’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast, Laura is sharing her breastfeeding story. Laura faced many challenges including having a baby who was small for gestational age at birth. Thank you so much for listening and if you would like to share your breastfeeding story, please contact Barbara at ~Happy Breastfeeding! …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 23: Nursing Strikes
This week on the podcast we discuss nursing strikes. What is a nursing strike? How should you deal with a nursing strike? Also, find out what product Barbara and Barb are really excited about! Show Notes: Check out Barbara's video on paced bottle feeding: Pumping podcast episode In The News: The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor is now selling the …
All Things Breastfeeding: Lindsay’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast we share another breastfeeding story! Lindsay shares her journey breastfeeding Jack who was born 2 months premature. Do you want to share your breastfeeding story? Please contact Barbara! OR connect on Facebook! Don't Forget! This weekend is the 3rd Annual Miracle Milk Stroll! Barb the intern will be at the Ann Arbor location so come …
All Things Breastfeeding: Barb’s Second Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast, Intern Barb shares her second breastfeeding story. Barb's second breastfeeding experience had some hurdles to overcome, including tongue tie and bottle refusal. Here is Barb and baby Nolan nursing when he was about a year old. Thanks for listening today! Do you want to share your breastfeeding story? You can email at or connect with us on …
All Things Breastfeeding: Barb’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast we are sharing another breastfeeding story. Barb shares her experience with her first son Liam. Check out Liam's heart shaped tongue. This is one of the very fist pictures taken after Liam's birth. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast! Are you interested in sharing your breastfeeding story? Like the Facebook …
All Things Breastfeeding: Barbara’s Breastfeeding Story
We are excited to bring our first breastfeeding story this week! Barbara, Owner and IBCLC at The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor shares the story of her first breastfeeding journey. Thank you for listening today! If you enjoy the podcast, please share with your friends! We would also love for you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes. Join in the discussion on our …