Breastmilk changes over time! Really, this is true! Yes, in this podcast Barbara and Jessica talk about how breastmilk changes over time. It is really quite amazing! Many health care providers tell families there is no nutritional value for babies from breastmilk after one year. Like it turns into water! Breastmilk is a living, dynamic fluid that works in real time to protect babies with the …
All Things Breastfeeding 50: You’re being set up for breast feeding failure
Breast feeding failure? Most women in the USA want to breastfeed yet many of these women don't reach their breastfeeding goals which is often defined as "breast feeding failure". In some states, as many as 90% or more of families initiate breastfeeding. These states tend to be on the east and west coasts of our country. The lowest number of mothers who start out breastfeeding is Mississippi which …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 49: Nursing in Public
Nursing in public? Didn't we all decide that nursing in public was fine? Apparently not! There are still so many people who get their panties in a bunch when they see a family breastfeeding in public! Jessica and Barbara discuss the latest study on nursing in public. This article concerns the images of women nursing in public and how they are almost always of a woman by herself, not in a …
All Things Breastfeeding: All You Wanted to Know About Milk Banking with Kim Updegrove
Milk banking Non-profit milk banking in the United States is rapidly growing! We have the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) here is the US, Mexico, and Canada. At this point we have 27 milk banks and 5 under development in North America. Milk banking was developed in 1985. These milk banks have donor screening, testing for bacteria, and pasteurize the donated breastmilk. …
All Things Breastfeeding 48: D-MER
D-MER? What is D-MER? This is a condition that every family should be aware of, not because it is going to happen to you. It is actually quite rare. But because when it does happen to a breastfeeding family the mother can feel like she is going crazy. So please listen to this podcast so you can help other families! D-MER stands for Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex. Let us explain. When a mother …
All Things Breastfeeding 47: Breastfeeding and Medications
Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and medications can cause a lot of confusion! Many mothers are told they cannot breastfeed while taking certain medications but this is often not true. We will discuss how medications can possibly get into breastmilk, a process called diffusion, FYI, and what families can do if they have questions or concerns about medication usage. Most …
All Things Breastfeeding 46: Busting Breast Feeding Myths
Barbara and Jessica are busting breast feeding myths! What have you been told about breastfeeding? So many things! People have all kinds of thoughts and opinions. Breast feeding myths come from many places. Family and friends have many old wives tales or assume that what happened to they must be going to happen to you, no matter how weird. Sadly, our health care providers can also harbor …
All Things Breastfeeding 45: Top 5 Breast Feeding Concerns
What are the top 5 breast feeding concerns? Well, we have been busy bees figuring this out and helping to provide information to families! I have spent a lot of time and resources on marketing this past year trying to address the needs of my clients. This means a new website! I have created new sections on the website that address specific topics that many families have concerns about. The top …
All Things Breastfeeding 44: World Health Assembly and Breastfeeding
Why are we talking about the World Health Assembly and breastfeeding? Because world policy sets the priorities for money spent on support. And we all know we can use more breastfeeding support. The New York Times released a story about the news. Here is another story about this. What was the controversy? World Health Assembly and breastfeeding news was all about the USA trying to block other …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 43: Jessica’s Working and Breastfeeding Story
Jessica's Working and Breastfeeding Story! We are adding a new type of podcast to our collection beginning with our new intern Jessica! We have been having mothers share their breastfeeding stories but now we want mothers to hear from other mothers about the realities of going back to work while you are breastfeeding. Jessica's working and breastfeeding story is worth the listen as you consider …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 42: Breastfeeding Missions
Breastfeeding Missions? What does this mean? I, Barbara Robertson, want to make Breastfeeding Missions a reality! I have always worked on giving back to the community. I have been hosting a weekly, free, breastfeeding support group for over 10 years, volunteer when I can for her local WIC office, and offer a sliding scale for her consultation services for families who need it. I am still a La …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 41: Barbara’s Journey to how to become an IBCLC
How to become an IBCLC? This week Barbara and Barb talk about Barbara's journey to becoming an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)! Some people think because the IBCLC credential is consider part of the health care field that you have to be a nurse. This is not true! Many of the biggest movers and shakers in our field are not RNs. Cathy Watson Genna has a bachelors of …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 39: Breastfeeding Story: Dawn
As promised, we are back in business and Dawn is going to be sharing her breastfeeding story. Dawn's work with babies has led her down paths she didn't expect. Isn't this often the case? Who knew my own struggles with breastfeeding would lead to a whole career I never imaged? We encourage you to check out some of Dawn's resources that are below. Dawn tells us about her two experiences. With …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 40: Breastfeeding Podcast Update
Barb is getting ready to take her IBCLC exam in April and I have been busy doing other things besides creating a breastfeeding podcast! But we are back to making our breastfeeding podcast! I am being joined by my new intern, Jessica, who is going to continue my podcast journey. Don't worry, Barb is not gone! You will see her here and there! We want to be able to deliver our breastfeeding …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 38: Taking A Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
Breastfeeding class? Why take one? Today's episode is just a quick informational show on the importance of taking a breastfeeding class before you have your baby! A little knowledge can go a long way! Please share this episode with new mamas and friends! Breastfeeding a new baby is natural but not always easy. Some people say breastfeeding a baby was the easiest thing they ever did, some …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 37: Breastfeeding and Dentistry
Breastfeeding and dentistry? What do teeth have to do with breastfeeding? This week on the podcast Barbara and Barb discuss breastfeeding and dentistry. Is there any truth to the idea that breastfeeding causes cavities? There was a recent study that found babies who had been breastfed for more than 6 months had more cavities than the babies who were not breastfed for at least 6 months. …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 36 : Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression can happen to any women, no matter how much she wanted her baby, no matter what her socioeconomic status. This week on the podcast, Barbara and Barb talk about postpartum depression (PPD). A very common occurrence in many woman after they have a baby, yet not talked about often enough. We were inspired to talk about this subject after doing a podcast with Michelle. She had …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 35: Breastfeeding in Public
Breastfeeding in public! This week, Barbara and Barb do a round-up on breastfeeding in public, just in time for the summer. Moms are out and about, and babies still need to eat. We discuss a recent incident where a breastfeeding mother had an employee suggest she might be more comfortable nursing in the bathroom after other customers had been complaining. People don't understand how brave a …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 34: Michelle’s Breastfeeding Story
Michelle's Breastfeeding Story! We haven't had a podcast for a while! Michelle's breastfeeding story has many ups and downs! This week on the podcast, Michelle shares the story of breastfeeding her one year old daughter. She comes from a very supportive breastfeeding family who nurse for years, and knew she wanted to breastfeeding as long as baby wanted. There are some cultural differences and …
Breastfeeding: Babies first milestone
I am doing a presentation for Gold Lactation 2017 on April 10th, 2017. Here is a little podcast about what I will be talking about, just a little taste. Enjoy! …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 33: What’s In The Numbers?
What's in the numbers? This week on the podcast we talk about numbers! Birth weights, how accurate they might be, comparing one scales weight to another, and all the variables to take into consideration when looking at numbers. Sometimes the scales might not be calibrated properly. What if the baby was weighed with a full belly and full of poop? The next weight might have your baby starving and …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 32: Breastfeeding Support Groups
Are breastfeeding support groups right for you? This week on the podcast, Barbara and Barb chat all things breastfeeding support groups. Why are they helpful and who might benefit from a breastfeeding support group? Many people feel that a "support group" is old fashioned or if you need to go to one, it is a sign of weakness. Far from it! Gathering with a group of like minded people feels …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 31: Barbara’s Second Breastfeeding Story
You never know what is going to happen in your breastfeeding adventure! This week on All Things Breastfeeding, host Barbara Robertson who is the owner of the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, shares her second breastfeeding story. This story was delayed in being recorded due some unexpected changes in Barbara's family. She wanted to get the story just right! The great breastfeeding relationship …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 30: Finn’s Nursing Strike
There is nothing worse than a nursing strike! This week on the podcast, Intern Barb tells her experience with a recent nursing strike. Just when breastfeeding was so easy, a new challenge presented itself. It was an extremely emotional experience, and luckily Finn is back to nursing now! Shownotes: If you need more information on nursing …