As an IBCLC,one of the most common reasons mothers come to see me is that they are worried about their rate of breastmilk production. Increasing breastmilk. Notice my terminology. RATE of breastmilk production. All mothers make some breastmilk. However, some definitely make more than others. First of all, if you are struggling with the rate of breastmilk production, or just worried, wondering …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 38: Taking A Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
Breastfeeding class? Why take one? Today's episode is just a quick informational show on the importance of taking a breastfeeding class before you have your baby! A little knowledge can go a long way! Please share this episode with new mamas and friends! Breastfeeding a new baby is natural but not always easy. Some people say breastfeeding a baby was the easiest thing they ever did, some …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 37: Breastfeeding and Dentistry
Breastfeeding and dentistry? What do teeth have to do with breastfeeding? This week on the podcast Barbara and Barb discuss breastfeeding and dentistry. Is there any truth to the idea that breastfeeding causes cavities? There was a recent study that found babies who had been breastfed for more than 6 months had more cavities than the babies who were not breastfed for at least 6 months. …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 36 : Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression can happen to any women, no matter how much she wanted her baby, no matter what her socioeconomic status. This week on the podcast, Barbara and Barb talk about postpartum depression (PPD). A very common occurrence in many woman after they have a baby, yet not talked about often enough. We were inspired to talk about this subject after doing a podcast with Michelle. She had …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 35: Breastfeeding in Public
Breastfeeding in public! This week, Barbara and Barb do a round-up on breastfeeding in public, just in time for the summer. Moms are out and about, and babies still need to eat. We discuss a recent incident where a breastfeeding mother had an employee suggest she might be more comfortable nursing in the bathroom after other customers had been complaining. People don't understand how brave a …
All Things Breastfeeding Podcast Episode 34: Michelle’s Breastfeeding Story
Michelle's Breastfeeding Story! We haven't had a podcast for a while! Michelle's breastfeeding story has many ups and downs! This week on the podcast, Michelle shares the story of breastfeeding her one year old daughter. She comes from a very supportive breastfeeding family who nurse for years, and knew she wanted to breastfeeding as long as baby wanted. There are some cultural differences and …
Breastfeeding: Babies first milestone
I am doing a presentation for Gold Lactation 2017 on April 10th, 2017. Here is a little podcast about what I will be talking about, just a little taste. Enjoy! …
Let’s place the blame where it belongs
"Let's place the blame where it belongs". What does that mean? There is a group out there that is making me pull out my hair. This group is "Fed is Best" which was formed in 2016 as far as I can tell. A mother who is also a physician, had a terrible experience with her baby. In an open letter, she claims that because her newborn did not receive adequate nutrition from exclusive breastfeeding her …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 33: What’s In The Numbers?
What's in the numbers? This week on the podcast we talk about numbers! Birth weights, how accurate they might be, comparing one scales weight to another, and all the variables to take into consideration when looking at numbers. Sometimes the scales might not be calibrated properly. What if the baby was weighed with a full belly and full of poop? The next weight might have your baby starving and …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 32: Breastfeeding Support Groups
Are breastfeeding support groups right for you? This week on the podcast, Barbara and Barb chat all things breastfeeding support groups. Why are they helpful and who might benefit from a breastfeeding support group? Many people feel that a "support group" is old fashioned or if you need to go to one, it is a sign of weakness. Far from it! Gathering with a group of like minded people feels …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 31: Barbara’s Second Breastfeeding Story
You never know what is going to happen in your breastfeeding adventure! This week on All Things Breastfeeding, host Barbara Robertson who is the owner of the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, shares her second breastfeeding story. This story was delayed in being recorded due some unexpected changes in Barbara's family. She wanted to get the story just right! The great breastfeeding relationship …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 30: Finn’s Nursing Strike
There is nothing worse than a nursing strike! This week on the podcast, Intern Barb tells her experience with a recent nursing strike. Just when breastfeeding was so easy, a new challenge presented itself. It was an extremely emotional experience, and luckily Finn is back to nursing now! Shownotes: If you need more information on nursing …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 29: Breastfeeding In The News Roundup
All Things Breastfeeding has a news roundup this week on the podcast. We chat about important breastfeeding topics and some hot button issues this week! Join us while we lay it all out. The good and the bad. All Things Breastfeeding Show notes: 9 Things Your Lactation Consultant Desperately Want You To Know About Low Milk Supply Internet and Breastfeeding: Friend or Foe-podcast …
Breastfeeding support: Top 5 secrets
Breastfeeding can be really hard, especially in the beginning. According to the CDC, over 80% of mothers in the US begin breastfeeding but by 6 months we are down to only 50% of mothers doing any breastfeeding at all. What is going on? We do have many barriers that impact breastfeeding numbers here. There is family pressure not to breastfeed, poor support in the hospital, …
All Things Breastfeeding: Melissa’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast, Melissa shares her breastfeeding story. Melissa talks about her first baby's slow weight gain and her low milk supply. Lot's of great tips for supply in this episode! Show notes: Domperidone study After our interview with Melissa, she had this to share about the second year of nursing her first son. "One thing that struck me after we recorded is I spent most …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 28: Birthing and Breastfeeding
This week on the podcast Barbara and Barb discuss birthing and breastfeeding. How does birth affect breastfeeding? Does the birth experience matter? We tackle these questions and more! Show Notes: March of Dimes-39 week induction ACOG guidelines on induction Listen to Jennifer Canvassar's episode as mentioned in the show! Suzanne Colson Womb to World In The …
Baby Friendly? What are they afraid of?
I have been so surprised by the recent backlash against "Baby Friendly" hospitals. What is really shocking is the lack of any sort of fact checking that is going on in these laments. The authors are being critical of things that are not even true. For those of you who are not familiar with BFHI, the "Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative" (BFHI) was launched back in 1991 by the World Health …
All Things Breastfeeding: Megan’s Breastfeeding Story
This week Megan shares her breastfeeding story. After having a hard time with her first child, Megan shares what it is like to overcome difficulties and have a successful breastfeeding relationship with her second child. Thank you so much for listening! If you are enjoying the podcast, we would so appreciate you rating and leaving a review on iTunes If you are …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 27: Nursing Older Babies
This week on the podcast we talk about the "taboo" subject of nursing older babies. Despite recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, mothers are still having to defend their choice to nurse older babies. We chat about why nursing older babies is normal and the benefits that nursing past infancy provide. Shownotes: World Health …
Overcoming All Odds-Jenny’s Breastfeeding Story
This week on the podcast we share Jenny's Breastfeeding Story. Jenny has overcome so many difficulties throughout her journey so far including a really rough start, and poor weight gain for baby Jett. Join us today to see how Jenny came through to the other other side, and where she is now. Jenny is our first out of area story that we have recorded! We are so excited to be expanding our …
Overcoming the odds
This is the title of our latest podcast. However, it could be the title of so many people's breastfeeding stories. But why does it take "overcoming the odds" to achieve something that is the essence of being a mammal? One of the biggest obstacles to breastfeeding, IMO, is the birth. I know it was for me and my first baby. You can listen to my 1st breastfeeding story to hear all about that …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 26: Low Milk Supply
This week the topic of discussion is low milk supply. What exactly is a low milk supply and what can a mom do to help overcome this breastfeeding difficulty? Join us while we chat all things low supply! Resource of the day: The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk Paced Bottle Feeding: Bronson Mothers' Milk Bank Tennessee …
Trusting your gut
I have always believed that breastmilk is the healthiest choice for most babies. Human milk is not just food, it has healing power. Recently, I have heard some new information that has taken belief to the next level. The first talk I heard back in the spring was about epigenetics. It turns out that we are what we eat. I have written a blog about this if you want more info about that. The most …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 25: Breastfeeding In Public
Summertime is in full swing and along with summer, comes a lot of outdoor activities, vacations, and trips out of the house with baby! Breastfeeding In Public can be scary and intimidating for new mothers, and seasoned moms alike. We will chat about how to feel more comfortable feeding your baby in public. Show notes: Breastfeeding Law Information: Clink Link below for Jake …