What's the deal with infant growth spurts? The fact is we aren't sure. One theory is that the babies are growing faster so needed more calories. The idea is the babies ate more frequently because they needed more food! However, a recent 2024 systematic lit review shows that this is most likely not true. It is true that there are times when babies do nurse intensely for several days. The problem …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 92: Menopause and Nursing
Nancy and Barbara discuss a new article that came out in 2024. The study was a large study (20,000 women) in Canada and it looked at the length of breastfeeding, overall years/months of breastfeeding and the onset of menopause. Breastfeeding and women are the terms used in the study so we will be using them here and in the podcast to reflect accurately how the authors used these terms. As we …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 91: 15 Years of BFCAA!
The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor (BFCAA) has been operating for more than 15 years!! To celebrate this milestone Jessica and special guest Barb, the original co-host of the podcast, interviewed Barbara on the journey of starting, building, and growing the Center. From Barbara: "I opened the center in 2008 as a place for all of families' nursing needs. We had weekly support groups, …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 90: Parent’s Stories with Jamie and Nikki
Barbara has been honored to work with many families over the past 20 years but Jamie and Nikki were some of her favorites. Barbara worked with Nikki when she had the family's first baby a few years ago. The commitment to nursing was powerful! After a few bumps, things went really well. Fast forward and it was Jamie's turn to carry the new baby for their growing family. There were more hiccups …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 89: ABM 2022 Mastitis Protocol
Barbara and Nancy discuss the ABM 2022 Mastitis Protocol. Both Nancy and Barbara feel this Protocol is a step in the right direction! However, we don't agree with everything and you can see others feel the same way. Listen and find out! The ABM (Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine) Mastitis #36 Protoco replaces Protocols #4, #20, and Engorgement Protocol has been retired. From the Protocol: …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 88: Breastfeeding during Emergencies
Breastfeeding during emergencies used to be a topic about something that was happening somewhere else to someone else. However, now with the rise in tragedies that are happening everywhere in the world, breastfeeding during emergencies affects all of us. We know these emergency situations are increasing and will continue to do so as time goes by. These could be earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 87: Parental Leave
In this episode, Barbara Robertson and Nancy Mohrbacher review recommendations and outcomes of parental leave policies around the world. Paid parental leave varies by country, but the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) has issued a new position statement for maternity leave guidelines, recommending at least 6 months of paid leave. Nancy and Barbara dive into some of the details of when …
How Much Does My Baby Need To Eat?
Summary table of average feeding amounts by age …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 83: The Power of Words and Breastfeeding Success
How important are our communication skills as lactation professionals for our families' success? This episode is all about the power of words as lactation supporters to boost or undermine our nursing families self efficacy. Barbara and Jessica discuss how the social emotional state of breast/chestfeeding families plays a huge role in the postpartum period and whether or not a family will achieve …
All Things Breastfeeding Ep 81: Julie’s story resolving ongoing breastfeeding pain
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding should not be painful! Ongoing and significant breastfeeding pain is a sign that something is wrong. Unfortunately, Julie's feeding journey was full of pain for the first few months! She was in a lot of discomfort both while the baby was feeding, later in between feeds and throughout the day as well. It turned out this was from multiple causes. If you are a lactation …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 78: Liz’s Breastfeeding and Induced Lactation Story
This one is so special! Liz shares her journey of growing her family via a gestational surrogate, and how she induced lactation to bring in her own milk supply! Jessica hosted, and said "beautiful" and "oh my gosh" more times than you can count throughout this amazing story of strength, support, and love for baby Eve and Liz's family. (Apologies that Liz's microphone was a bit crackly during our …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 77: Plugged Ducts and Mastitis New Protocol
New Mastitis protocol? Yes, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has added a new protocol, #36, the Mastitis Protocol. Actually, it is updated but the ideas in it are so revolutionary, it may as well be new! Dr. Katrina Mitchell was a major force behind these changes. She had noticed in her clinic as a Breastfeeding Medicine Doctor, that parents with recurrent mastitis tended to be …
All Things Breastfeeding Episode 76: Sarah’s Breastfeeding Story
Sarah's breastfeeding story Sometimes it is so nice to just hear a positive breastfeeding story! We tend to hear more about the how things went wrong instead of right. Sarah is lucky enough to have a lot of family support and access to lactation help when she needed it, so guess what? She reached her infant feeding goals! This doesn't mean that her journey was easy but she was able to …
All Things Breastfeeding 75: Best Education Principles
Barbara is joined by Nancy Mohrbacher to talk about education, particularly about professional lactation education. In the field of education, the traditional method of lecture and Power Point stills dominates the trainings that are available. Research has show over and over again that this is one of the most non-effective ways to help people learn. The purpose of education is suppose to …
All Things Breastfeeding 74: Our North Stars
My work is extremely important to me and is a perfect fit for all of my beliefs and my personality. To me, what we do here at the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor is to help families either become more attached to their babies (hopefully through breastfeeding but sometimes this isn't possible) and also help professionals learn how to best help families. Jessica, my colleague, has joined me …
Relactation Basics: For Parents and Professionals
Right now in Michigan we are experiencing a crisis in formula availability. This is leading many families to think about the idea of "relactation" so they can rely on their bodies instead of outside resources. This often comes from a "Desire to have a safe way to feed an infant during uncertain times, such as emergencies from natural disasters or disease outbreaks." Right now families in Michigan …
All Things Breastfeeding 72: 7 Must Know Changes in the Field of Lactation–A Conversation with Nancy Mohrbacher
In 2020 Nancy Mohrbacher published her latest book, Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition. We jokingly call this book BA2 and it is one of the most important books in the field of lactation. I was honored that Nancy was willing to co-host a professional book group with me. I had hosted two other book groups before, Making More Milk, 2nd Edition with Lisa Marasco and Supporting Sucking Skills with …
All Things Breastfeeding 71: Miriam’s Story- Exclusively Pumping
So sorry for the delays in podcasts! COVID has done a real number on me and I have been struggling to get tasks done that are not critical. Jessica and I are committed to recording and releasing more often! Thank you for your patience. Barbara Back in May 2022 I got this email: "I don't expect you to remember, but 2 years ago we corresponded about writing a clinical perspective essay for …
All Things Breastfeeding 67: Breastfeeding Book Groups!
Breastfeeding book groups? What on earth do I mean by breastfeeding book groups? So, fall of 2019 I had just finished helping Lisa Marasco with some final edits of her and Diana West' new edition of Making More Milk, 2nd Edition. The holidays were coming and I ordered a copy of the book for each of my interns. I thought to myself, we should read this together as a book group. Let me explain a …
Episode 65: Interview with Nancy Mohrbacher- New book group!
Barbara Robertson chats with Nancy Mohrbacher about her new edition of Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition and their upcoming project. Do you want to unlock the secrets of Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition? Barbara D. Robertson will be joined by Nancy Mohrbacher, the author of the book, to discuss their upcoming venture and break this down for you. Having a structured format of a book group …
All Things Breastfeeding 64: Oversupply!
Oversupply? Too much breastmilk? Is that really a problem? The answer is, YES, oversupply is a big problem for people who are struggling with this. Milk everywhere, choking babies, are there answers? For sure! Listen to this podcast to get more information. Symptoms: Baby choking Baby clucking at the beginning of feed (when the milk is flowing fast) or during let downs Fussy babies Milk …
All Things Breastfeeding 63: Melissa’s Breastfeeding Story
Another breastfeeding story! This one is particularly dear to Barbara's heart. Melissa came to see Barbara after the birth of her first baby and was struggling with her rate of breastmilk production. Although Melissa was able to increase her supply a bit, she still needed to supplement her baby. Second baby When Melissa was pregnant with her second baby she called Barbara to set up a prenatal …
All Things Breastfeeding 61: Conversation with Laurel Wilson IBCLC!
A conversation with Laurel Wilson IBCLC! Yes, we were lucky enough that Laurel Wilson IBCLC reached out to us to do a podcast. We have been big fans of Laurel for a number of years. I attended a talk to hers in Grand Rapids a number of years ago and was hooked! Don't know Laurel Wilson IBCLC yet? Laurel has the site Mother Journey. "Tens of thousands of research articles are published each year …
All Things Breastfeeding 59: Lauren’s Breastfeeding Story
A new breastfeeding story! Lauren is a very experienced breastfeeding mother. She joins us today with baby Luke today to talk about her breastfeeding story. She has nursed four children! When you have more than one child it is important to remember that each breastfeeding experience will be different. Each breastfeeding journey is a unique journey. In her breastfeeding story you will hear how …