Breastfeeding Blog & Breastfeeding Podcast

Podcast episodes are on iTunes and other podcast platforms, or you can listen directly on the website:

Nursing Bras: Are You Comfortable?

Nursing bras that fit!!! I am so excited because I just received my first order from Cake. These are nursing bras in sizes that are hard to find! I have made it part of my mission to have nursing bras...

All Things Breastfeeding 48: D-MER

D-MER? What is D-MER? This is a condition that every family should be aware of, not because it is going to happen to you. It is actually quite rare. But because when it does happen to a breastfeeding...

Nipple Shield Survey: For Parents, For Professionals

Nipple Shields The history of using nipple shields goes back in modern history for quite a long time. The debate about if they should be used, how they should be used, and why they should be used has...

All Things Breastfeeding 47: Breastfeeding and Medications

Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and medications can cause a lot of confusion! Many mothers are told they cannot breastfeed while taking certain medications but this is often not true. We...

Important Update! Changes to the IBCLC Credential

My dear colleagues Liz Brooks has a great summary of the new changes to the IBCLC credentialing process . I agree with Liz that most of these are a move in the right direction! I wanted to let people...

All Things Breastfeeding 46: Busting Breast Feeding Myths

Barbara and Jessica are busting breast feeding myths! What have you been told about breastfeeding? So many things! People have all kinds of thoughts and opinions. Breast feeding myths come from many...

Quality in a Lactation Course?

Quality in a lactation course? What does that mean? First of all we have to look at what is the purpose of education in the first place. Then ask how can an instructor structure the educational...

All Things Breastfeeding 45: Top 5 Breast Feeding Concerns

What are the top 5 breast feeding concerns? Well, we have been busy bees figuring this out and helping to provide information to families! I have spent a lot of time and resources on marketing this...

Want More Breastmilk Later? Tell Your Body You Want It From the Beginning

Want more breastmilk later? Tell your body you want it from the beginning? What do I mean by this? Biologically, it makes no sense that women who get pregnant and give birth struggle with breastmilk...

All Things Breastfeeding 44: World Health Assembly and Breastfeeding

Why are we talking about the World Health Assembly and breastfeeding? Because world policy sets the priorities for money spent on support. And we all know we can use more breastfeeding support. The...

How to become an IBCLC

How to Become an IBCLC Note:  These are Barbara’s interpretations of the IBLCE website to attempts to try and clarify this process. For more information about our dynamic 95 hour courses which fulfill...

Nursing Bras: Are You Comfortable?

Nursing bras that fit!!! I am so excited because I just received my first order from Cake. These are nursing bras in sizes that are hard to find! I have made it part of my mission to have nursing bras...

All Things Breastfeeding 48: D-MER

D-MER? What is D-MER? This is a condition that every family should be aware of, not because it is going to happen to you. It is actually quite rare. But because when it does happen to a breastfeeding...

Nipple Shield Survey: For Parents, For Professionals

Nipple Shields The history of using nipple shields goes back in modern history for quite a long time. The debate about if they should be used, how they should be used, and why they should be used has...

All Things Breastfeeding 47: Breastfeeding and Medications

Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and medications can cause a lot of confusion! Many mothers are told they cannot breastfeed while taking certain medications but this is often not true. We...

Important Update! Changes to the IBCLC Credential

My dear colleagues Liz Brooks has a great summary of the new changes to the IBCLC credentialing process . I agree with Liz that most of these are a move in the right direction! I wanted to let people...

All Things Breastfeeding 46: Busting Breast Feeding Myths

Barbara and Jessica are busting breast feeding myths! What have you been told about breastfeeding? So many things! People have all kinds of thoughts and opinions. Breast feeding myths come from many...

Quality in a Lactation Course?

Quality in a lactation course? What does that mean? First of all we have to look at what is the purpose of education in the first place. Then ask how can an instructor structure the educational...

All Things Breastfeeding 45: Top 5 Breast Feeding Concerns

What are the top 5 breast feeding concerns? Well, we have been busy bees figuring this out and helping to provide information to families! I have spent a lot of time and resources on marketing this...

Want More Breastmilk Later? Tell Your Body You Want It From the Beginning

Want more breastmilk later? Tell your body you want it from the beginning? What do I mean by this? Biologically, it makes no sense that women who get pregnant and give birth struggle with breastmilk...

All Things Breastfeeding 44: World Health Assembly and Breastfeeding

Why are we talking about the World Health Assembly and breastfeeding? Because world policy sets the priorities for money spent on support. And we all know we can use more breastfeeding support. The...

How to become an IBCLC

How to Become an IBCLC Note:  These are Barbara’s interpretations of the IBLCE website to attempts to try and clarify this process. For more information about our dynamic 95 hour courses which fulfill...


We're Growing!

Breaking news! All of our professional trainings have moved to our new sister site, LactaLearning. Find all of offerings and pay for courses on this new site.

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