Breastfeeding Blog & Breastfeeding Podcast

Podcast episodes are on iTunes and other podcast platforms, or you can listen directly on the website:

All Things Breastfeeding 54: Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story

Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story In this podcast episode Barbara and Jessica talk to Jamie about her breastfeeding journey with her little one Zelda. Each breastfeeding story is very different and...

All Things Breastfeeding 53: Partners and Breastfeeding

Partners and breastfeeding? How do partners fit is with breastfeeding? This can look many ways, there is no one size fits all. In this podcast Jessica and Barbara talk about options for how this can...

All Things Breastfeeding 68: The Beauty of Hand Expression

What is hand expression? Great question! Basically it means getting breastmilk out of a lactation breast without a baby or a breast pump. At The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, hand expression is a...

All Things Breastfeeding 52: Nipple Shield Survey Results!

Nipple shield survey results!   Our nipple shield survey is discussed in this podcast. We had a whopping 4500 families and 500 lactation professionals fill out the survey! We got so much...

All Things Breastfeeding 51: Breastmilk Changes Over Time

Breastmilk changes over time! Really, this is true! Yes, in this podcast Barbara and Jessica talk about how breastmilk changes over time. It is really quite amazing! Many health care providers tell...

Were you ready for breastfeeding? Our breastfeeding check list could have helped!

How do you know you are ready for breastfeeding? Would a breastfeeding check list have helped? What do we mean by “breastfeeding check list”? While we don’t have a lot of research on...

Bed Sharing: The Secrets to Help Make It Safer

Bed sharing Bed sharing and having young babies seem to go hand in hand. Little human mammals expect to sleep close to their parents and often won’t settle if this doesn’t happen. Up until...

All Things Breastfeeding 50: You’re being set up for breast feeding failure

Breast feeding failure? Most women in the USA want to breastfeed yet many of these women don’t reach their breastfeeding goals which is often defined as “breast feeding failure”. In...

Lies and the Liars Telling Them? Fed is Best

My dear friend Glenda sent me this today. Glenda and I met back in the day at a La Leche League meeting and have been friends ever since. Well, let me tell you, boy are my panties in a bunch! Fed is...

All Things Breastfeeding Episode 49: Nursing in Public

Nursing in public? Didn’t we all decide that nursing in public was fine? Apparently not! There are still so many people who get their panties in a bunch when they see a family breastfeeding in...

All Things Breastfeeding: All You Wanted to Know About Milk Banking with Kim Updegrove

Milk banking Non-profit milk banking in the United States is rapidly growing! We have the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) here is the US, Mexico, and Canada. At this point we...

All Things Breastfeeding 54: Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story

Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story In this podcast episode Barbara and Jessica talk to Jamie about her breastfeeding journey with her little one Zelda. Each breastfeeding story is very different and...

All Things Breastfeeding 53: Partners and Breastfeeding

Partners and breastfeeding? How do partners fit is with breastfeeding? This can look many ways, there is no one size fits all. In this podcast Jessica and Barbara talk about options for how this can...

All Things Breastfeeding 68: The Beauty of Hand Expression

What is hand expression? Great question! Basically it means getting breastmilk out of a lactation breast without a baby or a breast pump. At The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, hand expression is a...

All Things Breastfeeding 52: Nipple Shield Survey Results!

Nipple shield survey results!   Our nipple shield survey is discussed in this podcast. We had a whopping 4500 families and 500 lactation professionals fill out the survey! We got so much...

All Things Breastfeeding 51: Breastmilk Changes Over Time

Breastmilk changes over time! Really, this is true! Yes, in this podcast Barbara and Jessica talk about how breastmilk changes over time. It is really quite amazing! Many health care providers tell...

Were you ready for breastfeeding? Our breastfeeding check list could have helped!

How do you know you are ready for breastfeeding? Would a breastfeeding check list have helped? What do we mean by “breastfeeding check list”? While we don’t have a lot of research on...

Bed Sharing: The Secrets to Help Make It Safer

Bed sharing Bed sharing and having young babies seem to go hand in hand. Little human mammals expect to sleep close to their parents and often won’t settle if this doesn’t happen. Up until...

All Things Breastfeeding 50: You’re being set up for breast feeding failure

Breast feeding failure? Most women in the USA want to breastfeed yet many of these women don’t reach their breastfeeding goals which is often defined as “breast feeding failure”. In...

Lies and the Liars Telling Them? Fed is Best

My dear friend Glenda sent me this today. Glenda and I met back in the day at a La Leche League meeting and have been friends ever since. Well, let me tell you, boy are my panties in a bunch! Fed is...

All Things Breastfeeding Episode 49: Nursing in Public

Nursing in public? Didn’t we all decide that nursing in public was fine? Apparently not! There are still so many people who get their panties in a bunch when they see a family breastfeeding in...

All Things Breastfeeding: All You Wanted to Know About Milk Banking with Kim Updegrove

Milk banking Non-profit milk banking in the United States is rapidly growing! We have the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) here is the US, Mexico, and Canada. At this point we...


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Breaking news! All of our professional trainings have moved to our new sister site, LactaLearning. Find all of offerings and pay for courses on this new site.

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