Breastfeeding Blog & Breastfeeding Podcast

Podcast episodes are on Apple Podcasts and other podcast platforms, or you can listen directly on the website:

All Things Breastfeeding Episode 76: Sarah’s Breastfeeding Story

Sarah’s breastfeeding story Sometimes it is so nice to just hear a positive breastfeeding story! We tend to hear more about the how things went wrong instead of right. Sarah is lucky enough to...

All Things Breastfeeding 75: Best Education Principles

Barbara is joined by Nancy Mohrbacher to talk about education, particularly about professional lactation education. In the field of education, the traditional method of lecture and Power Point stills...

All Things Breastfeeding 74: Our North Stars

My work is extremely important to me and is a perfect fit for all of my beliefs and my personality. To me, what we do here at the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor is to help families either become...

Relactation Basics: For Parents and Professionals

Right now in Michigan we are experiencing a crisis in formula availability. This is leading many families to think about the idea of “relactation” so they can rely on their bodies instead...

All Things Breastfeeding 73: Doulas and Breastfeeding?

Yes! Yes! Yes! We say birth and postpartum doulas are the front line defenders of breastfeeding along with nurses and midwives! I believe that the explosion of doulas in Detroit, MI is one of main...

All Things Breastfeeding 72: 7 Must Know Changes in the Field of Lactation–A Conversation with Nancy Mohrbacher

In 2020 Nancy Mohrbacher published her latest book, Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition. We jokingly call this book BA2 and it is one of the most important books in the field of lactation. I was...

All Things Breastfeeding 71: Miriam’s Story- Exclusively Pumping

So sorry for the delays in podcasts! COVID has done a real number on me and I have been struggling to get tasks done that are not critical. Jessica and I are committed to recording and releasing more...

All Things Breastfeeding 70: Anna’s Breastfeeding Story- Breastfeeding Twins!

Breastfeeding twins? Yes! Sometimes you feel like breastfeeding one baby is almost impossible but then you have TWO babies! Anna shares her story about how she is successfully breastfeeding her twins...

All Things Breastfeeding 69: Becoming an IBCLC- Jessica’s Story

Becoming an IBCLC is not easy! Many people are surprised to find out that to becoming an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) is hard. You need 8 college courses, 6 continuing...

All Things Breastfeeding 68: The Beauty of Hand Expression!

What is hand expression? Great question! Basically it means getting breastmilk out of a lactation breast without a baby or a breast pump. At The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, hand expression is a...

All Things Breastfeeding 67: Breastfeeding Book Groups!

Breastfeeding book groups? What on earth do I mean by breastfeeding book groups? So, fall of 2019 I had just finished helping Lisa Marasco with some final edits of her and Diana West’ new...

All Things Breastfeeding Episode 76: Sarah’s Breastfeeding Story

Sarah’s breastfeeding story Sometimes it is so nice to just hear a positive breastfeeding story! We tend to hear more about the how things went wrong instead of right. Sarah is lucky enough to...

All Things Breastfeeding 75: Best Education Principles

Barbara is joined by Nancy Mohrbacher to talk about education, particularly about professional lactation education. In the field of education, the traditional method of lecture and Power Point stills...

All Things Breastfeeding 74: Our North Stars

My work is extremely important to me and is a perfect fit for all of my beliefs and my personality. To me, what we do here at the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor is to help families either become...

Relactation Basics: For Parents and Professionals

Right now in Michigan we are experiencing a crisis in formula availability. This is leading many families to think about the idea of “relactation” so they can rely on their bodies instead...

All Things Breastfeeding 73: Doulas and Breastfeeding?

Yes! Yes! Yes! We say birth and postpartum doulas are the front line defenders of breastfeeding along with nurses and midwives! I believe that the explosion of doulas in Detroit, MI is one of main...

All Things Breastfeeding 72: 7 Must Know Changes in the Field of Lactation–A Conversation with Nancy Mohrbacher

In 2020 Nancy Mohrbacher published her latest book, Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition. We jokingly call this book BA2 and it is one of the most important books in the field of lactation. I was...

All Things Breastfeeding 71: Miriam’s Story- Exclusively Pumping

So sorry for the delays in podcasts! COVID has done a real number on me and I have been struggling to get tasks done that are not critical. Jessica and I are committed to recording and releasing more...

All Things Breastfeeding 70: Anna’s Breastfeeding Story- Breastfeeding Twins!

Breastfeeding twins? Yes! Sometimes you feel like breastfeeding one baby is almost impossible but then you have TWO babies! Anna shares her story about how she is successfully breastfeeding her twins...

All Things Breastfeeding 69: Becoming an IBCLC- Jessica’s Story

Becoming an IBCLC is not easy! Many people are surprised to find out that to becoming an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) is hard. You need 8 college courses, 6 continuing...

All Things Breastfeeding 68: The Beauty of Hand Expression!

What is hand expression? Great question! Basically it means getting breastmilk out of a lactation breast without a baby or a breast pump. At The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor, hand expression is a...

All Things Breastfeeding 67: Breastfeeding Book Groups!

Breastfeeding book groups? What on earth do I mean by breastfeeding book groups? So, fall of 2019 I had just finished helping Lisa Marasco with some final edits of her and Diana West’ new...


We're Growing!

Breaking news! All of our professional trainings have moved to our new sister site, LactaLearning. Find all of offerings and pay for courses on this new site.

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