Caleb not latching? Oh no! We continue Jessica's breastfeeding story. Please don't worry, it has a happy ending! We ended with Jessica in the pit of despair and Caleb not latching. Even with all the support and knowledge that Jessica has, she is ready for the final hoop to become an IBCLC, taking the exam, she really struggles with what her instincts tell her to do to help with a not latching …
All Things Breastfeeding 57: Part 1 Jessica’s 2nd Breastfeeding Story
Jessica's second breastfeeding story is a doozy! When we have our second baby we think, well this has to be easier than the first time. Right? In Jessica's case this was not true! Her breastfeeding story is powerful! Yes, those baby worries weren't there (you rarely worry that you might accidentally kill your second baby like you do your first), you know the signs of a well fed baby, and your …
Haakaa Survey: For Parents, For Professionals
The Haakaa The Haakaa is new tool for breastfeeding families and our profession. The research on this tool does not exist at this point in time. The purpose of these surveys is to get a sense of how and why the Haakaa is actually be used by families and how lactation professionals play into this data. Here are the links to the survey: Parents: …
All Things Breastfeeding 55: Is it time to wean your baby?
Know when it's time to wean your baby is not always easy. When is it time to wean your baby? Only you get to decide! Once a baby is over six months of age you can start to get pressure from others. Is that baby STILL nursing? Yes! Remember, the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for at least 2 years! Here at The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor we think the longer the …
Differences between breastmilk and formula
People often ask me what are the differences between breastmilk and formula? The short answer: a million. The long answer: are you ready for a whole lot of science? Often I will write about the benefits of breastfeeding but often people will say, "but I was formula fed (or I formula fed my child) and I (they) are fine!" But are they really? For one thing, I think we have to turn this whole …
All Things Breastfeeding 54: Jamie’s Breastfeeding Story
Jamie's Breastfeeding Story In this podcast episode Barbara and Jessica talk to Jamie about her breastfeeding journey with her little one Zelda. Each breastfeeding story is very different and Jamie's is no exception. She struggled with unexpected infertility which made her story very different than she planned before getting pregnant. Take a listen and enjoy! At The Breastfeeding Center of …
All Things Breastfeeding 53: Partners and Breastfeeding
Partners and breastfeeding? How do partners fit is with breastfeeding? This can look many ways, there is no one size fits all. In this podcast Jessica and Barbara talk about options for how this can look for families. The sound is a little wonky in this podcast so please forgive us! Many times if a family is breastfeeding, we think of the partner as the one who changes the diapers. Literally …
All Things Breastfeeding 52: Nipple Shield Survey Results!
Nipple shield survey results! Our nipple shield survey is discussed in this podcast. We had a whopping 4500 families and 500 lactation professionals fill out the survey! We got so much interesting information from this survey. Of course there are some limitations from the information we gathered. First of all, this survey was only distributed from Facebook. I put an announcement on …
Lies and the Liars Telling Them? Fed is Best
My dear friend Glenda sent me this today. Glenda and I met back in the day at a La Leche League meeting and have been friends ever since. Well, let me tell you, boy are my panties in a bunch! Fed is Best has been working on destroying the positive trend toward normal human feeding for over three years. I have been trying to ignore Fed is Best because I find them to be so hateful and filled with …
All Things Breastfeeding 47: Breastfeeding and Medications
Breastfeeding and Medications Breastfeeding and medications can cause a lot of confusion! Many mothers are told they cannot breastfeed while taking certain medications but this is often not true. We will discuss how medications can possibly get into breastmilk, a process called diffusion, FYI, and what families can do if they have questions or concerns about medication usage. Most …
Filling a pail or lighting a fire?
When the days start to get cool, leaves start to fall, my bones tell me it is time to go back to school. Personally, I spent 26 years going to school every fall from the time I was 5 until I was 31. I took a break when my babies were little, but now we are up to another 15 years of returning to school once again, when September rolls around. As I have gotten older, the way school happens has …