Breastfeeding Blog & Breastfeeding Podcast

Podcast episodes are on Apple Podcasts and other podcast platforms, or you can listen directly on the website:

Are We Breastfeeding Friendly?

We need to be questioning our baby feeding norm in this country.  We are a formula feeding culture right now in the US whether we like it or not.  This means that more people feed their babies...

Being A Parent is Hard!

Parenting is hard! I just read an article on parenting research and had to respond.  The article is about a study which found that parenting basically sucks and we are lying to ourselves if we say...

Trying to become more Technologically Savvy!

What do I love about technology?  Not a whole lot!  I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by necessity.   My friends make fun of me because I am such techno phobe.  However...

Diabetes Prevention and Breastfeeding

Why are diabetes cost are going through the roof?   According to an article in the New York Times, it is costing us  $174 billion dollars a year to cover the health costs of people who have developed...

Working and Breastfeeding: What do Mothers Need?

When a breastfeeding mother returns to work she actually doesn’t need very much from her employer to be successful.  Really, working and breastfeeding requires at a minimum; time to remove milk from...

Working and Breastfeeding in the United States

Many mothers in the US return to work when their babies are quite young.  If they are breastfeeding and want to continue to exclusively provide breastmilk for their babies, it can make things more...

Breastfeeding is Green in Ann Arbor!

From 6-9 this Friday, June 11th, Ann Arbor will be hosting our Green Fair on Main Street.   This exciting event celebrates and shares what businesses and organizations are doing to help our...

Breastfeeding: What does the Research say?

Wow!  Who knew that feeding a baby could be so controversial! I want to make sure it is clear that it is my job to help mothers feed their babies in the manner of their choosing.  I get calls all the...

What Formula Feeding is Costing US

Lately, there has been quite a bit of reporting in the news about artificial baby milk (formula) feeding.  The costs of our mothers choosing to feed their babies formula is tremendous.  According to...

What One Doctor Says About Breastfeeding Training in the United States

So, why are mothers and babies having such a hard time with breastfeeding?  I just received a link to this blog which I thought was very interesting.  In the blog, this doctor admits she really knew...

Breastfeeding Rates in the US

What has gone so wrong with breastfeeding in our country?  The United States lags behind most nations around the world in our breastfeeding initiation rates.  However, more importantly perhaps, is how...

Are We Breastfeeding Friendly?

We need to be questioning our baby feeding norm in this country.  We are a formula feeding culture right now in the US whether we like it or not.  This means that more people feed their babies...

Being A Parent is Hard!

Parenting is hard! I just read an article on parenting research and had to respond.  The article is about a study which found that parenting basically sucks and we are lying to ourselves if we say...

Trying to become more Technologically Savvy!

What do I love about technology?  Not a whole lot!  I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by necessity.   My friends make fun of me because I am such techno phobe.  However...

Diabetes Prevention and Breastfeeding

Why are diabetes cost are going through the roof?   According to an article in the New York Times, it is costing us  $174 billion dollars a year to cover the health costs of people who have developed...

Working and Breastfeeding: What do Mothers Need?

When a breastfeeding mother returns to work she actually doesn’t need very much from her employer to be successful.  Really, working and breastfeeding requires at a minimum; time to remove milk from...

Working and Breastfeeding in the United States

Many mothers in the US return to work when their babies are quite young.  If they are breastfeeding and want to continue to exclusively provide breastmilk for their babies, it can make things more...

Breastfeeding is Green in Ann Arbor!

From 6-9 this Friday, June 11th, Ann Arbor will be hosting our Green Fair on Main Street.   This exciting event celebrates and shares what businesses and organizations are doing to help our...

Breastfeeding: What does the Research say?

Wow!  Who knew that feeding a baby could be so controversial! I want to make sure it is clear that it is my job to help mothers feed their babies in the manner of their choosing.  I get calls all the...

What Formula Feeding is Costing US

Lately, there has been quite a bit of reporting in the news about artificial baby milk (formula) feeding.  The costs of our mothers choosing to feed their babies formula is tremendous.  According to...

What One Doctor Says About Breastfeeding Training in the United States

So, why are mothers and babies having such a hard time with breastfeeding?  I just received a link to this blog which I thought was very interesting.  In the blog, this doctor admits she really knew...

Breastfeeding Rates in the US

What has gone so wrong with breastfeeding in our country?  The United States lags behind most nations around the world in our breastfeeding initiation rates.  However, more importantly perhaps, is how...


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Breaking news! All of our professional trainings have moved to our new sister site, LactaLearning. Find all of offerings and pay for courses on this new site.

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