Breastfeeding Blog & Breastfeeding Podcast

Podcast episodes are on iTunes and other podcast platforms, or you can listen directly on the website:

Breastfeeding or carrying weapons in public? You decide!

Warning:  If you cannot read this as humor, tongue in cheek, don’t read further.  I thought the commonality was funny. But if you are already offended, read no more!  Of course these groups are...

You Can’t Force It!

I just read a story about human mammals and eating which really intrigued me. At first glance, I didn’t understand the author’s point.  I thought, is she another breastfeeding hater? ...

Big Changes at The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor!

It has been a very busy winter this year for The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor.  Good thing right?  We haven’t had much time to think about all of the freezing cold days! As April approaches...

Bursting Out of the Closet, into Spring, Breastfeeding in Public

March is the time for new beginnings.  Shaking off the blah of winter. Let’s come out of our houses and apartments and breastfeed whereever we want, with confidence knowing that we are doing the...

Top Five Reasons Mothers Stop Breastfeeding- Don’t Become a Statistic!

1.  It hurts!  I know people say that pain is normal at the beginning of breastfeeding.  I disagree.  While it is common for there to be pain in the beginning, it is not normal.  It may be sensitive...

The Secret to Helping Bottle Feed Your Baby

Listen, most mothers go back to work and so most babies need to have a bottle to get through the day while mom is away.  Also, once breastfeeding is well established, I find that as long as parents...

Formula Helping Breastfeeding?

“Formula Feeding Saved Me as a Breastfeeding Mom” What???  This kind of headline drives me crazy!  What the mother is saying, I think, is that by using a bit of formula as a transitional...

Is Breastfeeding Bad for Our Babies and Ourselves?

There was just a book published, Your Breasts Are Trying to Kill You, by author Florence Williams.  It seems as though she is taking a serious, yet humorous look at what our breasts do and don’t...

Are We Breastfeeding Friendly?

We need to be questioning our baby feeding norm in this country.  We are a formula feeding culture right now in the US whether we like it or not.  This means that more people feed their babies...

Being A Parent is Hard!

Parenting is hard! I just read an article on parenting research and had to respond.  The article is about a study which found that parenting basically sucks and we are lying to ourselves if we say...

Trying to become more Technologically Savvy!

What do I love about technology?  Not a whole lot!  I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by necessity.   My friends make fun of me because I am such techno phobe.  However...

Breastfeeding or carrying weapons in public? You decide!

Warning:  If you cannot read this as humor, tongue in cheek, don’t read further.  I thought the commonality was funny. But if you are already offended, read no more!  Of course these groups are...

You Can’t Force It!

I just read a story about human mammals and eating which really intrigued me. At first glance, I didn’t understand the author’s point.  I thought, is she another breastfeeding hater? ...

Big Changes at The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor!

It has been a very busy winter this year for The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor.  Good thing right?  We haven’t had much time to think about all of the freezing cold days! As April approaches...

Bursting Out of the Closet, into Spring, Breastfeeding in Public

March is the time for new beginnings.  Shaking off the blah of winter. Let’s come out of our houses and apartments and breastfeed whereever we want, with confidence knowing that we are doing the...

Top Five Reasons Mothers Stop Breastfeeding- Don’t Become a Statistic!

1.  It hurts!  I know people say that pain is normal at the beginning of breastfeeding.  I disagree.  While it is common for there to be pain in the beginning, it is not normal.  It may be sensitive...

The Secret to Helping Bottle Feed Your Baby

Listen, most mothers go back to work and so most babies need to have a bottle to get through the day while mom is away.  Also, once breastfeeding is well established, I find that as long as parents...

Formula Helping Breastfeeding?

“Formula Feeding Saved Me as a Breastfeeding Mom” What???  This kind of headline drives me crazy!  What the mother is saying, I think, is that by using a bit of formula as a transitional...

Is Breastfeeding Bad for Our Babies and Ourselves?

There was just a book published, Your Breasts Are Trying to Kill You, by author Florence Williams.  It seems as though she is taking a serious, yet humorous look at what our breasts do and don’t...

Are We Breastfeeding Friendly?

We need to be questioning our baby feeding norm in this country.  We are a formula feeding culture right now in the US whether we like it or not.  This means that more people feed their babies...

Being A Parent is Hard!

Parenting is hard! I just read an article on parenting research and had to respond.  The article is about a study which found that parenting basically sucks and we are lying to ourselves if we say...

Trying to become more Technologically Savvy!

What do I love about technology?  Not a whole lot!  I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by necessity.   My friends make fun of me because I am such techno phobe.  However...


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Breaking news! All of our professional trainings have moved to our new sister site, LactaLearning. Find all of offerings and pay for courses on this new site.

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