Lately, there has been quite a bit of reporting in the news about artificial baby milk (formula) feeding. The costs of our mothers choosing to feed their babies formula is tremendous. According to one recent study, if mothers breastfed their babies for six months we would save staggering amounts of money each year. “The United States incurs $13 billion in excess costs annually and suffers 911 …
What One Doctor Says About Breastfeeding Training in the United States
So, why are mothers and babies having such a hard time with breastfeeding? I just received a link to this blog which I thought was very interesting. In the blog, this doctor admits she really knew nothing about breastfeeding until she took a special course on breastfeeding. Is she unusual? I don’t think so. When I think about all of the things a doctor would need to know about a baby, about …
Breastfeeding Rates in the US
What has gone so wrong with breastfeeding in our country? The United States lags behind most nations around the world in our breastfeeding initiation rates. However, more importantly perhaps, is how short our breastfeeding duration rates are. The majority of US mothers are all for giving breastfeeding a shot. The percentage of mothers who “ever breastfeed” after birth is between 48.3% in …
Hello world!
My blog...What to say? First of all, a disclaimer. This blog is not to be used in place of medical advice from your health care practitioner. I will try and be clear about what is my opinion and what is based upon medical research. I am hoping to have many links to articles for you. OK? Now that that is clear, let's continue! Barbara D. Robertson, MA, IBCLC …
Why do I have a job?
One of the things I think about a lot is why do I have a job? If breastfeeding is so natural, why do people need me to help them get started with breastfeeding or continue when their babies are older. There are many reasons for this in my opinion. (Remember, this is where I get to just say what I think! I may be right or wrong. If there is research to back things up, I'll share that too when …